International Conference on Business and Economics(ICBE)
게재된 논문이 없습니다.

Frequency : One issues per year

Languages : English

pISSN : 2287-478X / eISSN : 2672-0620

Year of Launching : 1999

Peblisher : Korea Distribution Science Association (KODISA)

Indexed / Tracked / Covered by :

Crossref - Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Web of Science(Wos)

Aims and Scope

The journal of KODISA International Conference on Business and Economics (KODISA.ICBE) publishes original research analysis and inquiry into issues of Social Science, Finance, Economics and Business Management. The KODISA.ICBE is an international peer-reviewed journal, which is devoted to contemporary issues of social science, finance, economics and business in intentional, regional, and national levels. The KODISA.ICBE publishes one volume per year in full English.


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